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Care after sclerotherapy 5 years ago

The principle of treatment with sclerosis is based on the injection of a product that irritates the vein, thus causing inflammation.

is sclerotherapy painful

Redness, painful nodules to the touch, swelling and pain are therefore logical reactions.

How can these disadvantages be reduced?

To reduce local phenomena, it is advisable to wear a class 2 compression for 1 week after the session.

And since Sclerotherapy Recovery is an injection into a vein, it can result in a hematoma. Especially if you tend to get easily ... In this case, apply an ointment Voltarene or Cicabio or Hirucreme. These blues will leave without sequels.

Sclerotherapy Solution technique can also be a source of minor discomfort: brown spots, efflorescence of small capillaries, cutaneous necrosis. All this will be repaired during the session following the treatment. However, if anything seems abnormal, you should contact your angiologist. He knows the peculiarities and possible effects of the product used to treat you and will do the right thing.

Can sclerotherapy reduce pain, heaviness and leg swelling?

YES, in 70% of cases according to a multicentric study (Weiss et al), but this result cannot be guaranteed.

How long to see a complete result on a varicose vein?

Sclerotherapy Before And After; on an average it takes 3 months depending on the size of the vessels. But in 3 weeks, we have a good idea of the effectiveness of the Laser Vein Treatment. In fact, it is useless to practice a session every week, some veins will not even have time to disappear.

How long between two sessions?

The figure recommended by all learned Vein Clinics Of America is about 3 weeks.

Is it definitive?

The treatment of a varix is definitive but not the treatment of the venous disease. Regular monitoring should be done as other varicose veins may appear at your own pace.

Laser Ablation Before And After treatment?

You must not play sports for at least 48 hours after a session. Sometimes more if treated veins are important.

Sun and UV are not recommended until hematomas and reactions disappear. This can leave indelible stains.

Direct heat and hair removal are not advisable until the sclerosis-related reactions disappear.

In addition, waxing with hot wax can cause the appearance of micro-varicosities. Your beautician will advise you.

We propose to our patients the laser therapy which clears the small varicose veins. Patient can cmpare results of Laser Ablation Before And After.

In total

The consequences of sclerotherapy can be confusing for those who do not practice it, it is recommended to contact as much as possible with the practitioner who performed the act, or failing that with another specialist competent in the matter. More often than not, there will be nothing more than reassuring explanations for the patient, but if a genuine complication happens on a case-by-case basis, it could be handled in a suitable way and without delay.

Visit us for more details about the veins problem and the best suitable treatment. We are in this field since long and treated multiple patients.

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Laser treatment may be the permanent solution to vein problem 5 years ago

A superficial vein dilates and becomes tortuous? It is a varix , which draws a purplish mark on the leg and often hurts. It shows a flow of blood against the current, down to the foot instead of back to the heart. If this reflux is important, the vein must be operated.

can spider veins go away

The principle of the Laser Varicose Vein Removal

The endovenous laser treats unsightly surface varicose veins. Laser Vein Removal acts on the vein inside the thigh (or saphenous varix ). Of all the operative techniques, this method is the least traumatic. This is particularly a good alternative to stripping.

The heat emitted by the laser alters the vein. It breaks down and is eliminated by the body over time (between three to six months). The vascular surgeon or phlebologist operates under ultrasound control, it is important. Local anesthesia with sedation is sufficient. Laser Ablation Side Effects are not much.

How is the intervention done?

The laser fiber is introduced inside the vein, most often at the knee. The infiltration of local anesthetic forms a thickness of water around the vein to protect the neighboring tissues of the laser and to avoid any risk of burns.

The specialist activates a laser shot every three millimeters, removing the fiber as it goes outward. If necessary, the varicose branches are removed by phlebectomy using tiny incisions. A compression stocking is placed.

The consequences of the intervention

We go home during the day, walking is allowed right after the intervention. The compression stocking is kept for the first 24 hours, then only the day for another eight days. Despite this precaution, it is normal for some bruises (or bruises) to form. It is little or no pain.

Activities can be resumed the next day, with the exception of sports. For more comfort, we can provide a few days of rest. Physical activity is resumed fifteen days after the intervention.

For which woman is the endovenous laser recommended?

RF Ablation Side Effects-  treatment of varicose veins is possible if ...

  • The varicose vein depends on the vein at the front of the leg (long saphenous vein).
  • The varix allows the introduction of the laser fiber.
  • The varicose is big.

This is not possible if ...

  • The varix is too tortuous or superficial.
  • The varicose vein of the calf depends on the long saphenous vein.
  • The patient is on hormonal treatment, including contraceptive pill.

And if you want it any way ...

  • The vein is too sinuous or too superficial. The varix is removed by means of another surgical technique.
  • You must stop taking hormones, ideally a fortnight before surgery to resume a month later.

Radiofrequency Ablation

This procedure involves heating the varicose vein wall, by using energy (radiofrequency). In the procedure, radio waves (ie radio frequency) are transmitted through the vein wall. The doctor will anesthetize the area, use the ultrasound to see the inside of the leg, and then insert a catheter (a very thin tube) along the vein to apply this energy along the venous wall. The coming wall will heat up because of the released energy, it will thicken and contract, and eventually it will be reabsorbed by the body and disappear.

This heat, therefore, warms the vein, until its walls collapse and the area is sealed. Once the vein has been sealed, the blood will naturally be redirected to one of the healthy veins. The patient will have to wear compression stockings up to 1 week after undergoing this procedure. Radiofrequency Ablation Side Effect is negligible.

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Laser Varicose Vein Removal is an effective solution vein disorder 5 years ago

Anesthetic veins, often called venectasias, varicose veins , varicose veins , telangiectasias, are one of the most common diseases of the veins that affect the population, especially women, four times more likely than men to develop this condition.

 Although they are not usually accompanied by other symptoms, the unpleasant appearance is sufficient for those who face this problem to opt for Laser Vein Removal to regain the beauty of their feet.

Sclerotherapy Solution is the procedure with good or even excellent results in over 90% of varicose veins. These less aesthetically pleasing signs generally appear on the lower limbs in the form of violet blue, violet lines, with diameters ranging from 1 mm to 1 cm.

The main cause of their development is the vertical position in which we find the longest period of life, which hinders the ability of the main veins to push the blood flow to the heart, but also the inherited particularities of the venous system, explained by specialist dermatologist.


What is sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy has been used since the 1930s to eliminate varicose veins, being a procedure with superior results to laser treatments, which are even more expensive in most cases.

Sclerotherapy Before And After - The treatment involves injecting directly into the vein a sclerosing agent that irritates the lining of the blood vessel, causing the vascular wall to be destroyed. In order to obtain ideal results, injections are needed at several points and possibly in several sessions, during which the treated vessel turns into scar tissue in Vein Clinics Of America.

How the procedure is performed and Care After Sclerotherapy

During sclerotherapy, the salt solution is injected with a very fine needle directly into the vein.

At this point, there may be slight discomfort for 1-2 minutes, especially when large veins are injected. The number of veins injected in a single session depends on their size and location, as well as the general health status of the patient.

Ideal candidates for sclerotherapy

Prior to performing the Laser Vein Treatment procedure, an initial consultation with a dermatologist or specialist in vascular medicine will take place , deciding whether the patient is a suitable candidate for this treatment.

Laser Ablation Before And After

In the initial consultation, the doctor will determine if there is suspected deep vein disease or obstruction, more advanced valve problems, which can lead to a return of venous blood into the skin vessels. If necessary, a Duplex Doppler ultrasound may be recommended before treatment.

Pregnant women are not eligible for the procedure, and in the case of people who have had a blood clot in the past, the eligibility will be decided individually and will depend on the general state of health, as well as the reason that led to the occurrence of the clot respectively, completes the dermatologist specialist. Laser Ablation Side Effects are zero.

Patients should wear compression stockings for a period of 1-3 weeks after treatment, while discontinuing sports for a few days.

Visit Vein Clinics Of America to discuss your problem and get a reliable treatment.

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Leg Cramping

A leg cramp is an enforced and coercive contraction of leg muscles. It causes visible hardening of the muscle. It can occur so many times until it is resolved. It can affect a part of the leg or the entire leg muscles. Leg cramps are painful and can occur suddenly anytime. Older people are more affected by these leg cramps. Upper leg cramps are more severe than the lower leg cramps. With the increase of age, the muscles get weaker which increases the chances of leg cramps.

Causes of Leg Cramps

The major cause of leg cramps is the overuse of leg muscles. It can also cause due to dehydration or standing or sitting for long durations. Sometimes doctors are not able to diagnose the actual cause of leg cramps. 

However, some medical conditions causing leg cramps include venous insufficiency, arterial dysfunction, nerve compression, and mineral depletion.

Leg Swelling

Swelling in legs is also called peripheral edema. It can occur due to various causes. It mainly occurs due to a muscle or tendon injury or lymphatic disease.

Causes of Leg swelling

The possible causes of leg swelling include obesity, sitting or standing for long periods, and some medications such as steroids, aspirin, ibuprofen, estrogen, and some antidepressants.

Swelling in the leg can also be caused due to some medical conditions such as cirrhosis, blood clot, venous insufficiency, pericarditis, hormonal changes, and infection or injury.

Treatments for Leg Swelling

There are several leg swelling treatments available depending upon the causes and symptoms of your leg swelling. Consult a doctor for better treatment options. However, you can also consider some home remedies to treat your leg swelling. These will help you to reduce the swelling from the legs.

Some of the leg swelling remedies are as follows:

Maintaining the proper body weight by maintaining the diet. Avoid wearing tight or restricting clothes in your legs. Wear compression stockings or hose. Raise your legs up throughout the day. Stay active and do exercise and stretching of your legs. Reduce the quantity of salt in your food. If you are involved in a job that requires prolonged sitting or standing then move every hour.

Diagnosis of Leg Swelling

Your doctor will do a certain physical examination as well as some diagnostic tests to find out the actual cause of the leg swelling.

Some of the diagnostic tests include blood tests which include blood count, electrolytes, kidney, and liver functions, ultrasound, electrocardiograms, etc.

After diagnosing your disease the doctor will start the treatment according to the diagnostic results. Make sure that you always book an appointment with a board-certified physician so that you get the highest quality of care.

Vein Treatment Clinic provides treatment for all kinds of leg diseases including leg cramping and leg swelling. We have the nation’s best doctors and specialists. All are well qualified and are board-certified. We deliver the best services to our patients. For booking an appointment and to know more about us, visit our official website

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Varicose Veins

Veins are the blood vessels that are used to carry deoxygenated blood from all your body parts back to your heart. The elevated pressure on the veins that are present just below the surface of the skin can cause varicose veins disease. Varicose veins are also known as varicosities.

What are Varicose Veins?

Most of the people don’t know what are varicose veins. Here is the answer for them. Varicose veins are unhealthy veins. These veins are caused due to high blood pressure.

Varicose veins can occur in any part of the body but mostly found in the legs. There are lots of factors that lead to varicose veins problems. Some of these are family history, obesity, pregnancy, increased age, long hours of sitting or standing, etc.

Varicose vein therapy is minimally invasive and painless. The therapy involves a little change in lifestyle. It helps to get relief in symptoms and prevent complications.

Varicose veins are larger and twisted swollen veins. These are red, blue or purple in color. Varicose veins may occur due to chronic venous insufficiency. Women get more affected by varicose veins as compared to men.

Causes of Varicose Veins

Varicose is mostly caused due to venous insufficiency. The veins in the legs have valves that get opened when they pass deoxygenated blood to the heart and close after passing. This closing of the valve is required to stop the fall back of blood to the leg. But when these valves dysfunctions the blood starts accumulating in the legs. This causes swelling in the veins which develops varicose veins.

Some of the least common causes of varicose veins are phlebitis and congenital abnormalities of the veins.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

Most of the time the symptoms of varicose veins can’t be find out. However, some of the common symptoms of varicose veins are:

Large, twisted and swollen veins Swollen ankles and aching legs Heaviness in legs The appearance of spider veins near the varicose veins Discoloration of skin either blue or brown color Stasis dermatitis Itchiness and redness at skin Cramping in legs Restlessness in legs Lipodermatosclerosis Treatment for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can be treated by various different treatment methods. And the selection of the appropriate treatment method depends upon the symptoms and severity of the disease. Some of the common treatment methods for varicose veins are as follows:

Sclerotherapy involves injection of sclerosant foam to eliminate the affected veins. Radiofrequency and laser ablation techniques are used to destruct the affected veins. Surgery in which the affected veins are removed from the legs. Leg elevation Compression Stockings However, are these treatments safe? Well, yes, all these treatments are safe and very effective. These are minimally invasive and painless treatments. But it is important to consult a vein specialist before going for any treatment procedure.

Vein Treatment Center provides the best treatment for varicose veins. For more details visit our website

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Vein Disease

The veins are the very important part of your body. Veins carry deoxygenated blood from your various body parts back to the heart. But as people get older the problems start developing in the veins causing various diseases and complications. A huge number of people are suffering from vein disease. And if not treated at the initial stage it may lead to some severe complications.

There are lots of vein diseases that can affect normal people. Some of the common veins diseases are:

Peripheral Vein Disease- Peripheral Vein Disease is a kind of blood circulation disorder. Due to this disease, the veins get narrower or blocked. It restricts the flow of blood in legs or arms causing pain and fatigue. Venous Insufficiency- Venous insufficiency is a disease in which the blood vessels get destroyed which restricts the flow of deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Due to this restriction, the veins in the legs get swollen and cause pain. Venous insufficiency is mainly of two types’ varicose veins and spider veins. Varicose veins are a bit serious than spider veins. Spider veins are the smaller veins that do not cause much pain or discomfort however, varicose veins are the bigger veins causing pain, discomfort, leg cramps and swelling in the legs. Treatment for Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Chronic venous insufficiency is usually caused due to improper working of valves in the veins. The defective valves make it difficult to circulate blood from the leg to the heart. Due to this restriction, the blood gets pooled in the legs causing varicose veins disease. There are a lot of symptoms of this disease, and it can affect anyone.

The various risk factors of venous insufficiency are obesity, family history of this disease, inactivity, deep vein thrombosis, pregnancy, and increasing age. Various symptoms of venous insufficiency are swelling, aching, tiredness, burning sensations, itching, stasis ulcers, etc. If you find any of these symptoms then immediately visit a vein doctor and get treated for this disease at an early stage to avoid severity.

The treatment for chronic venous insufficiency depends upon the severity of your disease. Sometimes the doctor needs to provide the combination of treatments for curing your disease. You can also take some precaution for reducing the effect of this disease. Some of the precautions include, regular walking, exercising, swimming, wearing compression stockings, losing weight, avoid sitting or standing for long periods, maintain a proper diet, etc. Some antibiotics are also given to treat this disease at an early stage.

Various other treatment options include surgical methods, laser therapy, sclerotherapy, vein stripping or ligation, vein bypass, etc. These surgical and minimally invasive options are done as prescribed by your vein specialist.

Vein Treatment Clinic provides the best treatment for all kinds of vein diseases including venous insufficiency. We use the latest and most advanced medical techniques to treat our patients with minimal discomfort and pain. We have top vein specialists from around the world. For more details about our treatment procedures and us, visit our official website

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Veins diseases are increasing day by day. Women get more affected by these diseases as compared to men. And the reason behind this difference is the responsibilities. Women have more responsibilities as compared to men which lead to seeking treatment. It is very bad news because most of the people simply ignore these diseases which can cause more severe complications. You must visit a vein center at an early stage to avoid these severe complications.

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The most common veins diseases are varicose veins and spider veins disease. These are mostly cosmetic issues. Spider veins are normal, but varicose veins are more severe. Varicose veins can lead to severe vein diseases that may be cured by some of the American vein centers. It can also lead to various serious health issues like diabetes and heart diseases.

 Luckily, treatments for varicose veins are available at the vein care center. The selection among these treatment methods depends upon the severity of the disease. However, the most common and most effective treatment method is laser ablation therapy. Laser ablation therapy is performed in the various laser and vein center.

Symptoms of Veins Diseases

If you feel any of these symptoms in your body then immediately visit a vein laser clinic for the best possible treatment.

  • Heaviness and pain in legs.
  • Burning sensations, throbbing, swelling, and cramping in the legs.
  • Not able to sit or stand for a long period of time.
  • Itching around the veins.
  • Skin ulcers near to your ankles and lower part of the legs.

Laser Treatment

The center for vein restoration will guide you with the vein’s issues and possible treatments. However, laser treatment is the best option for the treatment of veins diseases.

In the procedure of laser treatment, the affected vein is given local anesthesia. Then a slender laser fiber will be inserted inside your affected vein using tiny incisions. This laser fiber will deliver laser energy in a short pulse.

These short pulses will seal the vein and block the flow of blood. And the blood will be redirected to the other healthier veins. After completion of the procedure, the fiber optic will be removed.

It is a minimal discomforting and painless procedure. It doesn’t require any recovery time. You can immediately resume your work after the completion of the treatment procedure. But you need to take certain precautions as advised by your vein specialist.

You need to wear compression stockings in your leg for at least a week or two. You can start to walk soon after your treatment procedure and resume normal activities. However, gyms and other strenuous exercises should be avoided for some days.

Vein Treatment Clinic provides the best and most effective laser ablation therapy to our patients. We have laser ablation experts in our vein treatment center who specializes in the laser ablation. Our experts are top surgeons qualified from top colleges and universities of the world. To book an appointment and to know more about our specialists and us, visit our official website

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Spider veins are known so because of its spider webs like appearance. Spider veins are the thin vessels that are directly connected to the venous system. These thin blood vessels when gets damaged then can be easily seen as red, blue, or purple colored lines just below the surface of the skin.

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Causes of Spider Veins

The major cause of spider veins diseases is chronic venous insufficiency. It is caused due to improper circulation of blood in the veins.

Spider veins are only cosmetic problems. These mostly occur on the calves, cheeks, thighs, ankles, and nose. Spider vein disease can be caused due to various reasons. Some of these are:

  • Increasing Age
  • Long periods of standing or sitting
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Heredity
  • Injuries
  • Crossing Legs
  • Exposure to the sun
  • Blockage

Symptoms of Spider Veins

Spider veins symptoms include heaviness in legs, swelling, throbbing, itching, cramping, aching, burning sensations, and tingling.

If the disease is very severe then, you may suffer from ulceration and skin changes.

Best Treatment for Spider Veins

Spider vein therapy includes various treatment options. The treatments for spider veins are very effective, safe and long-lasting. But make sure that you discuss everything about spider vein removal before and after the procedure. If you are suffering from venous insufficiency then you need to get treated for it before the spider vein removal. Otherwise, spider veins may recur after some time.

The various treatment procedures to treat spider veins are sclerotherapy, laser therapy, vein surgery, endovenous laser, and radiofrequency ablation.

However, you can also reduce the effect of spider veins by taking some prevention. A few preventions that can be taken are wearing compression stockings or hose, regular exercise, walking, avoid sitting and standing for long durations, swimming, etc.

Treatments like sclerotherapy and laser therapy are the most effective and successful treatment methods. These are painless and less invasive treatments. These do not have any severe or long-lasting side effects. These processes do not require admission in the hospital for days. These processes can be performed easily in the doctor’s cabin within an hour. These require local anesthesia to make you feel comfortable. You are allowed to walk and resume your daily activities soon after the completion of the procedure. However, a few precautions need to be taken as directed by your doctor.

Diagnosis of Spider Veins

It can be diagnosed by examining the affected areas closely. The doctor gives special attention to the areas having redness, skin discoloration, swelling, and skin ulcers. The best vein specialist will consider the history of your symptoms.

If it seems to be chronic insufficiency then your vein specialist will recommend an ultrasound of the veins in your legs. This helps your doctor to identify the issues and decide the treatment plan accordingly.

Vein Treatment Clinic is one of the best and leading vein treatment centers. We provide all kinds of treatments for spider veins disease to our patients. You can also check our spider veins before and after gallery for your help. We have the spider vein specialists in our center that is well qualified and experienced. For more details, visit our website

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What is Radiofrequency Ablation: Is it a safe procedure 6 years ago

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a medical procedure to treat varicose and spider veins and major ache issues. It is a popular treatment used to reduce pain in muscle tissues. A radio wave produces an electrical current that heats up the area around nerve tissue limiting the pain.


RF Ablation is used to treat many health issues such as chronic low back pain, neck pain, and pain due to arthritis, varicose veins and spider veins.

RFA is generally treated using local anaesthesia or conscious sedation anaesthesia. The advantage of RF ablation is that it doesn't stimulate nerves or heart directly, thus it can be used without anaesthesia. It is a very popular and specified method to treat damaged tissues without affecting any collateral tissues.

RF ablation procedure is performed under ultrasound or X-ray screening guidance by the doctors. RFA is the best alternative to traditional surgery or stripping in the case of varicose veins. A radiofrequency catheter is injected into the damaged vein and is treated with radio energy, resulting in the collapse of an infected vein. The studies have shown a high success rate of RF ablation with a very low rate of complications.

Is Radiofrequency Ablation Safe?

Before going for the procedure one might think is RF ablation safe option? Studies have shown that RFA is one of the safest and efficient procedures to treat some forms of pain and venous insufficiencies. It is a minimally invasive method that treats ache with the least complications. There may be a little bleeding at the infected site during the procedure, the doctor may advise and let you know about the procedure well.

Is RF Ablation Painful?

Radiofrequency Ablation is a non-surgical treatment method that uses heat to damage infected veins and to stop the transmission of pain. It is one of the best procedures that is used to treat several other issues namely neck, back, pelvic pain or peripheral nerve ache and others.

There may be slight pain after the procedure but it won’t last more than a week or so. Patients are usually up and about back to work within 48-72 hours.

If you feel any type of discomfort after the treatment, it is recommended that you must see your doctor. Schedule a follow-up post-treatment to address any concerns that you are facing.

The healing process takes around 2 weeks, as soon as the nerves start healing the pain will reduce eventually.

Does RF Ablation Have Any Side Effects?

After the procedure, Radiofrequency ablation side effects may or may not be experienced depending upon the complications of the issue. RF Ablation Side Effects include a little discomfort due to swelling or bruising at the site of the treatment, but it doesn’t last for long. Hypersensitivity, tenderness or numbness may be felt at the site of injection.

Sometimes these signs feel like sunburn and can be managed by resting and applying an ice pack at the site or using prescribed medications.

RF ablation is 80-90% effective on the individuals. The procedure may also be repeated if needed.

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Why Sclerotherapy Is The Most Preferred Treatment For Venous Insufficiency 6 years ago

Sclerotherapy is the most preferred method used by doctors to treat venous insufficiency. Sclerotherapy is a procedure that is used to treat blood vessels, venous insufficiency, and those of the lymphatic system. A chemical is injected into the vessels which make the damaged veins shrink. Sclerotherapy is an effective treatment to cure varicose veins and spider veins. Sclerotherapy causes infected veins to scar and reroutes the blood through other healthier veins.

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Sclerotherapy is an approved medical procedure that removes infected veins from the body and pushes the blood through healthier vessels towards the heart.

The procedure is in use since the 1930s and is a proven treatment to cure venous insufficiencies.

The use of a chemical solution irritates the lining of the infected blood vessels, causing it to collapse and thus blood flow is directed through healthier vessels. Over time the damaged vessels fade away.

When Sclerotherapy must not be done? Sclerotherapy includes injecting a chemical that affects blood vessels. Hence it is not recommended when you are pregnant. But in case of the severity of the issue, it is advised that one must consult the doctor before the treatment. Also, in cases of thrombophlebitis, Sclerotherapy is generally not recommended.

Before performing Sclerotherapy a proper diagnosis is done based on an individual’s venous anatomy, the severity of the issue or if they have any other skin disease or any other deficiency.

Sclerotherapy before and after:

Before coming for the treatment, one must;

  • not take vitamin E or any type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines at least a week before, unless it has been instructed by the doctor,
  • Wear comfortable and loosely-fitted clothes,
  • Make sure your compression stockings are ready to wear after the procedure.

After Sclerotherapy, you must care to eat healthy and nutritious food and follow the doctor’s advice for better recovery.

Sclerotherapy Recovery:

Care after Sclerotherapy is important, as the recovery is still in process. The aftercare needed once the Sclerotherapy procedure is complete includes;

  • A follow-up visit within the two weeks of the treatment is advised to improve prognosis.
  • It is advised that patients should wear compression stockings or support stockings to reduce pressure on the legs and help the upwards movement of blood.
  • One should not stand for long, if you have a standing job, you must try to walk after every 30 minutes.
  • Raise your leg using a pillow in order to balance the entire body while sleeping.

Sclerotherapy solution includes commonly used agents namely polidocanol or chromated glycerine, hypertonic saline, and sodium tetradecyl sulphate. Hypertonic saline 23.4% concentration has been approved by the USA FDA, but its use in Sclerotherapy is not preferred.

Foam Sclerotherapy is a nominally invasive technique to eliminate ill-favored infected varicose veins and spider veins. A foam sclerosant is injected into the blood vessel to seal it. The blood reroutes itself towards the heart through healthy veins. The procedure takes about 40-50 minutes per session. The sessions depend on the severity of the issue. A sclerosant agent is injected into the veins using a tiny syringe.

Sodium tetradecyl sulphate and chromated glycerine solution are used with the sclerosant agent. This solution has a consistency similar to shaving foam, which is directed into the veins using an ultrasound. This solution makes the infected veins to shrink and collapse. Foam therapy is used to eliminated tiredness and heaviness of the legs due to inflammation or improper blood flow.

Are there any side effects of Sclerotherapy?

Serious consequences by Sclerotherapy are extremely rare, but there can be a few after Sclerotherapy side effects;

  • Due to injection swelling or bruising may occur at the site but it will fade away soon,
  • Discoloration may occasionally develop,
  • One may feel tenderness at the affected area,
  • Mild cramping may occur,

If you have any other insufficiency, an allergic reaction may occur not lasting more than a few weeks.

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Varicose Veins: Symptoms, Causes, And Removal Procedure 6 years ago

Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted, entangled, damaged blood vessels that allow blood backflow. Veins function to carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. As it requires pressure against gravity, the valve of the veins gets damaged or inflated. This causes venous insufficiencies namely spider veins, varicose veins, and others.

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Varicose Veins Symptoms:

For many people, varicose veins have no symptoms and are simply a cosmetic concern. While in some cases, the signs are visible;

  • Large twisted veins that are visible on the skin surface
  • There is swelling on the ankles and feet
  • The heaviness of the legs
  • Pain, throbbing and cramping in the legs
  • Itchiness and discoloured skin
  • Swollen blood vessels easily visible on the skin

You must see a doctor ASAP if you see any such signs or symptoms.

Varicose Vein Causes:

Varicose veins are generally seen in women but can happen to anyone, at any age. The chances of varicose veins increase with increasing age. Weak and damaged valves of the veins due to excess pressure are the main cause of the varicose vein.

The veins in the legs work against gravity, hence they need to apply pressure to direct blood to the heart. The valves inside the vein open to help the flow of the blood and close to keep blood flowing backward. If the valves are weak, blood can pull itself back thus causing veins to swell and create a blood clot various other issues. Normally the veins are elastic when damaged they lose their elasticity. This creates an overstretched vein and makes the blood to backflow. This way veins get bigger and inflated causing varicose veins.

Varicose vein risk factors include older age or a family history of a varicose vein; pregnancy; overweight; vitamin, calcium or mineral deficiencies; and leg trauma or accident.

Varicose Vein Treatment: 

Doctors often diagnose varicose veins based on a physical test. Some procedures are used to find out the extent of the problem.

The treatment for varicose veins includes lifestyle changes and medical procedures;

  • Sclerotherapy is the most common and widely used procedure to treat varicose veins. The treatment uses a chemical agent that is inserted into the veins causing irritation and scarring inside the vein and veins collapse soon after.
  • Laser therapy uses light rays that heat up the damaged veins which fade away soon after. It is mostly used to treat smaller varicose veins.
  • EVLT uses thermal energy to create heat to close off a varicose vein.
  • Surgery is usually used to treat severe cases of varicose veins and spider veins. It uses Ñ•trірріng or “phlebectomy” methods for the removal of varicose veins.
  • Compression stockings are used to release pressure on the legs and to direct the blood up towards the heart.

Varicose Veins Before And After; varicose veins put you at risk for complications like high blood pressure or heart diseases, skin ulcers and more hence the treatment becomes very important. Treatments also help fade away the symptoms such as pain, swelling, and fatigue and help prevent further complications.

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EVLA Laser Ablation Treatment: Is it beneficial 6 years ago

Laser vein treatment or photo-ablation is an image-guided, minimally invasive technique to treat varicose or spider veins. Popularly known as Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) is a type of treatment uses ultrasound guidance.  The procedure is performed by a phlebologist, an interventional radiologist or a vascular surgeon.

laser vein treatment

What is Laser Vein Treatment?

Laser Ablation treatment is usually performed in patients with varicose veins, hidden varicose veins, spider veins, venous leg ulcers or any kind of venous insufficiencies. The patient is first diagnosed using ultrasound scanning techniques by an expert. The procedure of diagnosis is always performed with patients being wide awake. Local anesthesia is used before the treatment; if the patient isn’t confident general anesthesia may be used.

Once the patient is ready for the treatment, the vein to be treated is identified with the ultrasound imaging guidance. The laser vein removal for the twisted, entangled viscose veins is performed by two or more doctors, where one uses ultrasound to detect the site carefully and others prepare for the treatment.

Local anesthesia is used to numb the site of treatment, a needle or catheter is inserted through this numb area.

In some EVLA systems, a guided wire is positioned precisely using an ultrasound technique to detect the veins properly.

Once the device has been passed under the ultrasound, the local anesthesia solution is then injected around the veins. A fluid solution is also injected that helps to reduce laser heat and damages the infected vein.

Laser Ablation for Spider Veins is done to get rid of not just the spider veins, but it also helps to minimize pain, fatigue and also prevent complications.

Laser Varicose Vein Removal helps damage the infected and unhealthy veins and reroutes the blood through the healthy veins to the heart.

Arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart and veins carry deoxygenated blood to the heart and thus the functioning of both the blood vessels helps establish a healthy heart and body. Severe cases of spider and varicose veins can lead to high blood pressure, fatigue, heaviness in legs, and heart or lung diseases. Hence, the treatment becomes important.

Laser Vein Treatment usually takes about 40-60 minutes, make sure you come 15-minutes before the EVLA treatment.

What are the side effects of Laser Ablation?

Laser Ablation side effects majorly include;

  • Bruising or soreness
  • There are rare cases of a blot clot
  • Temporary numbness on the skin at the site area
  • Darkness at the site on the skin
  • Varicose veins or spider veins may reappear if not properly diagnosed

The pre-treatment diagnosis is important to know about other diseases or deficiencies.

Laser treatment is not advised for every patient, it is recommended that one must consult with the concerned doctor before going for the procedure.

Laser Ablation before and after changes are seen within a few weeks, just one small incision can change the skin to completely new and healthy. Patients can resume normal activities within a day. There are no major issues after the procedure yet you must take care of the diet along with;

  • Exercise regularly
  • Walk around every 30 minutes if you have a long period of sitting or standing job
  • Avoid soaking in hot baths for long periods

Vein Clinics of America specializes in all kinds of venous insufficiencies and lymphatic systems. Vein Treatment Clinic is the top treatment center, offering the latest treatments and state-of-the-art technology. Our center sources the best doctors, specialists and dermatologists around the world. Get your free consultation today.

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Clarivein method, low-invasive treatment of varicose veins: 6 years ago

What is the Clarivein Treatment?

Varicose veins surgery has been evolving towards increasingly less invasive techniques. At present you have an option that combines two methods: a mechanical ablation that generates a severe contraction of the vein and a chemical ablation with liquid sclerosing. This is the Clarivein system. Combine this method with sclerosis using microfoam for the elimination of dependent varicose veins.

laser vein treatment

Can you treat any type of varicose veins?

The Clarivein system is specially designed to treat any type of truncal varicose veins that depend on a lack of saphenous axes (most), but given its great navigability allows to treat even other varicose veins.

What advantages does it offer?

The philosophy of treatment with the Clarivein system is similar to that of other options such as Endolaser or Radiofrequency, in which the effect is achieved by navigating inside the veins, but unlike these, which are based on thermal ablation, Clarivein does not generate heat. This makes it possible to avoid all possible complications secondary to heat, such as damage to adjacent tissues or nerve damage. In addition, you do not need any type of anesthesia, not even tumescent local anesthesia. Neither incision is made, since the device enters by direct puncture.

What care should be followed after treatment?

The patient can have a normal life after the treatment; he should only wear a compression elastic stocking for a few weeks. Neither work leave is necessary. You are recommended to avoid prolonged standing, especially if standing still.

Clarivein Recovery Treatment period? Is it definitive?

The treatment is final. Even so you have to know that varicose veins, given their high hereditary factor, have a recurrence rate between 15 and 20%. This element can be independent of the surgical technique that has been used.

Clarivein Catheter:

It is a procedure consisting in the introduction of a catheter into the main vein on which varicose veins depend (internal saphenous vein or, occasionally, external saphenous vein), which progresses to the groin and is later removed by combining a mechanical rotation effect and chemical action of a sclerosing agent. Its main advantage is speed, since it is very common to eliminate the saphenous axis treated in a single session, which significantly shortens the duration of treatments.

Like sclerotherapy with microfoam, it is also ambulatory, does not require recovery and is performed under local anesthesia. The effect of the rotation of the catheter and the microfoam that is released, produce hardly any discomfort, except for a slight tingling in the path of the vein that is being treated.

In this procedure, apart from the treatment with the Clarivein catheter, are included the subsequent sessions of sclerosis with microfoam that are necessary to eliminate the rest of varicose collaterals that do not disappear in the initial session.

Varicose tract chemosclerosis using Clarivein (Microfoam): It consists of introducing into the vein by puncture a sclerosing chemical material that by means of an inflammatory reaction of the wall leads to the closing of the vein. To know How Much Is Clarivein required for the treatment get in touch with your doctor.

Is Clarivein Safe: Yes, Clarivein is safe for varicose and Clarivein For Spider Veins treatment.

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Benefits of Endovenous Laser Treatment: 6 years ago

How Varicose Veins Occur?

There are several factors that can potentially contribute to the development of varicose veins. These factors can be environmental, occupational, or genetic in nature. Some cannot possibly be avoided, such as heredity and the regular aging process. Others, But nevertheless, can be changed by an individual modifying their lifestyle accordingly. For example, jobs that require the worker to sit relatively motionless for long periods of time can put a significant amount of pressure on the veins and heart. Those working in office jobs are encouraged to take a few minutes to stretch their legs every hour or so. Additionally, hormonal conditions such as menopause and pregnancy might weaken the veins, causing them to bulge and twist. In most cases, regular exercise and a healthy diet can go a long way in preventing varicose veins. If the condition does occur, it might be time to seek Laser Vein Removal.

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How Endovenous Laser Treatment Works:

During Laser Vein Treatment, a very thin laser fiber is used to bring the temperature of the vein up, which gradually causes the walls of the vein to collapse. As for the damaged vein, it is absorbed within the body during the weeks following the treatment until it disappears altogether.

The Advantages of endovenous laser treatment:

There are multiple advantages of endovenous laser treatment when compared to other treatment methods for varicose veins. Some of the advantages of endovenous laser treatment are as follows:

  • A relatively quick treatment
  • A local anesthesia is the only anesthesia required, unlike surgical methods which require general anesthesia
  • The process is minimally invasive, which means that fewer complications will arise from the treatment
  • There is virtually no recovery time involved in endovenous laser treatment. In most cases, patients can get back to their regular daily activities within one day following the procedure. In some cases, patients can go right back to work immediately after the treatment without any risks.

After the Procedure: Following the procedure, the doctor will apply a dressing to the entry point. The patient might be asked to wear compression stockings for approximately one week. These stockings are meant to apply pressure on the surface veins, effectively forcing the blood to flow through other, deeper veins, which will allow the circulation to resume more naturally and without hindrance. Once the patient has completed the procedure and has put the compression stockings on, they might notice that they feel immediate relief from the symptoms of swelling, dolor, and pressure.

Sclerotherapy Solution: Sclerotherapy effectively treats varicose veins and spider veins. It is usually considered the treatment of choice for small varicose veins. The sclerotherapy solution causes the vein to heal, forcing blood to re-route through healthier veins. The collapsed vein is absorbed by the local tissue and eventually disappears. After sclerotherapy, treated veins tend to disappear within a few weeks; although sometimes you can spend a month or more to see the final result. In some cases, several sclerotherapy treatments are needed.

You can also consult from Vein Clinics Of America for spider and varicose veins treatment. Results of Laser Ablation Before And After are satisfactory.

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Complete details of Center For Vein Restoration: 6 years ago

Treatment of varicose veins without surgery: The development of Interventional Radiology has allowed the use of guided techniques with ultrasound that have many advantages over classical surgery in the  treatment for varicose veins . The advantages of percutaneous techniques in the treatment of varicose veins are less aggression to healthy tissues (fewer bruises and scars), procedures performed under local anesthesia (not general or epidural), ambulatory (without hospital admission), with immediate incorporation into their daily activities (without work absence) and with a much lower incidence of complications.

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Vein center, basically use two techniques: thermoescleroisis by radiofrequency (Closure Fast System or VNUS) and chemosclerosis by means of microfoam (CLARIVEIN). Vein centers usually use a combination of techniques customized for each specific case that, in expert hands, guarantee good results with very low complication rate. The indication and choice of technique is based on the findings of the Doppler ultrasound performed on the first visit.

Varicose vein treatment Thermosclearsis by Fast closure (VNUS) or Radiofrequency: It involves inserting a catheter single venipuncture treated, generally internal or external saphenous by heat and produce an inflammatory reaction in the walls that determine the closing thereof and the cancellation of reflux, ending in a fibrous cord.

Is this treatment for all the varicose veins in my legs?

No, this treatment is primarily indicated to relieve symptoms associated with superficial venous insufficiency (varicose veins). The aesthetic benefit is indisputable with the passage of time, but it is not a treatment of aesthetic medicine. The budget that has been given does not cover the merely aesthetic treatment of superficial veins and spider veins. In selected cases, if symptomatic varicose veins are detected, sclerotherapy can be associated with ultrasound guided with microfoam, always under medical indication.

The technique is painful or not: The great advantage of this type of procedure is that it is not necessary to perform general anesthesia, epidural, or even superficial sedation, with the consequent economic savings and possible complications. With local anesthetic in the path of the vascular axis to be treated is sufficient and, in general, well tolerated. It is a series of punctures that are initially annoying and that give in seconds.

Is it true that varicose veins can’t be treated in summer? Will you have to wear a bandage for a long time?

It is advisable to avoid the months of more heat because after the procedure you will have to wear compression stockings at least 5-7 days 24 hours a day, so it can be annoying with high temperatures.

Can the procedure be done on both legs at the same time?

Whenever it is indicated and the physician considers it feasible, it will be possible to carry out a simultaneous bilateral treatment, with the main purpose of saving costs for the patient.

  • There are many Vein Center for the treatment of varicose veins and spider veins.
  • American Vein Center is the best vein center for the treatment of varicose and spider vein.
  • There are many Laser And Vein Center, these centers will give the varicose and spider vein treatment at reasonable price.
  • Vein Laser Clinic is the clinic in which vein is treated by the laser therapy.

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Complete guide of Varicose Veins and Spider Veins: 6 years ago

Varicose Veins And Spider Veins:

Varicose veins and spider veins are inflamed and twisted veins that usually appear in the legs. Pregnancy, aging and obesity can increase your risk of developing varicose veins and spider veins. Varicose veins and spider veins do not usually cause pain or health problems. If they cause symptoms, or if you want to take them away, talk to your doctor or nurse about treatment options.

laser vein treatment

What are Varicose And Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are twisted veins that may be blue, red or skin-colored. Larger veins can be similar to a cord and make the skin protrude. Varicose veins usually appear on the thighs, on the front or back of the calves or on the inside of the legs, near the ankles and feet. During pregnancy, varicose veins may appear on the inside of the thighs, the lower part of the pelvis and the buttocks. Varicose Veins Before And After the treatment is compulsory to remove the varicose veins.

What are spider veins?

Spider veins, or spider veins, are smaller than varicose veins. They tend to be red. They look like the branches of a tree or cobwebs. Spider veins are usually seen under the skin, but do not make it protrude like varicose veins. Spider veins can be found on the legs or on the face. Spider Vein Removal Before And After the treatment is compulsory.

What people develop varicose veins and spider veins?

Varicose veins affect women twice as often as men and are more common in older women. Spider veins can affect more than half of women.

Symptoms of varicose veins and spider veins:

Some women do not experience symptoms of varicose veins and spider veins. If you have them, you may feel your legs extremely tired, heavy or painful. Your symptoms may get worse after sitting or standing for a long time. Your symptoms may improve after resting or putting your legs up.

Other common symptoms of varicose veins can be:

  • Cramping or cramping
  • Swelling
  • Itch

Changes in hormone levels can affect your symptoms. Therefore, you may experience more symptoms during certain periods of the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy or menopause.

What is the cause of varicose veins and spider veins?

Problems in the valves of the veins can prevent blood from flowing normally and cause varicose veins or spider veins.

Your heart pumps blood filled with oxygen and nutrients through the arteries of the body. Normally, veins have valves that act as fins of a pathway. However, if the valves do not close properly, the blood can return to the lower part of the vein instead of going to the heart. Over time, more blood builds up in the vein and generates pressure, which weakens the walls of the vein. This causes the vein to increase in size.

Why do varicose veins and spider veins usually appear on the legs?

Varicose veins and spider veins usually appear more frequently on the legs. This is because the veins in the legs carry blood to the heart against gravity and it is the longest distance in the body.

Varicose Vein Therapy should be done by the people who is suffering from varicose vein.

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Causes of Leg Cramps and Leg Swelling: 6 years ago

Leg Cramps: Cramps or spasms in the legs are painful contractions of the leg muscles. Sometimes, lying down for a long time can cause the muscles in your leg or feet to cramp. The dehydration as well as certain medications, overuse and diseases that affect the brain and nervous system can cause this. Other causes are compression of the calf muscles or those of the back of the knee, too much phosphorus, too little calcium or potassium, and low blood sugar in the body. All these are chemical imbalances in the blood.

It is common that popularly called cramps occur during or after the exercise, but it is also true that sometimes they originate when we are resting, especially at night. And while a cramp can be suffered by any muscle in the body, it most often affects the thigh (both in front and behind) and the back of the leg or calf. Upper Leg Cramps can also be seen.


Causes Of Leg Cramps:

  • The lack of minerals such as potassium or magnesium and the lack of some B vitamins influence the intensity and frequency of cramps. In fact, just when these tend to appear at rest, at night, they may indicate a lack of minerals. In contrast, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps prevent them.
  • The use of diuretics and frequent diarrhea can cause dehydration and when electrolytes and mineral salts are lost, cramps can appear more easily. Staying hydrated, especially if physical exercise is practiced, decreases the risk.
  • It is also true that some medications can cause them: Antihypertensives, bronchodilators, drugs for cholesterol. If cramps will happen to you it is compulsory to inform your doctor.
  • On the other hand, alcohol abuse, kidney failure, hypothyroidism, anemia, liver cirrhosis, menstruation, pregnancy or even bone fractures cause a hyper-excitation of the nerves that stimulates the different muscles, which results in the cramps.

Swelling of the ankles, feet and legs: The painless swelling of the feet and ankles is a common problem, particularly among older people. The abnormal accumulation of fluid in the ankles, feet and legs can cause swelling. This fluid buildup and swelling is known as edema.

Causes Of Leg Swelling: Many factors (which vary greatly in their severity) can cause swelling of the legs.

Swelling of legs related to the accumulation of fluid: The swelling of the legs due to fluid retention in the tissues of the legs is known as "peripheral edema." It may be due to a problem with the circulatory system, the lymphatic system or the kidneys.

The factors related to the accumulation of fluid include the following:

  • Acute renal failure
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Cirrhosis (scarring of the liver)
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Heart failure
  • Hormone therapy

Swelling of the leg related to inflammation: Leg swelling can also be caused by inflammation in the tissues of the legs. Inflammation may be a normal response to the injury or disease, or it may also be due to rheumatoid arthritis or another inflammatory disorder. Usually, you will feel some pain with inflammation.

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Tips to get rid from the varicose veins 6 years ago

The Varicose Veins and the Spider Veins which they are at times referred and also gnarled, with the enlarged veins. However, word also varicose comes from Latin root varix that means to be "twisted." The much commonly kind of the affected veins are in feet and legs. The gravity force, the pressure of the body weight, along with task to carry the blood from bottom of body to heart make the legs a primary and key location for varicose vein disease and also for the spider veins.

Upper Leg Cramps

Majority of the people undergoing treatment for varicose veins are concerned about the appearance. Few of them are also concerned about venous insufficiency because of the chronic and aching pain along with discomfort which they may also cause. At times, the condition also leads to much serious problems. The Varicose veins and laser ablation procedure may even be the sign of high risk of different kinds of the disorders of circulatory system.

The causes of leg cramps and the Varicose Veins: heart pumps the blood filled with the oxygen as well as nutrients to entire body. The Arteries usually carry the blood from heart towards body parts. The Veins carry the blood with the poor level of the oxygen from body back to heart. However, squeezing of the leg swelling remedies which pumps the blood back to heart from lower part of the body. Veins usually have valves which act like the one-way flaps. Such kind of the valves prevents blood from backwards flowing as it also moves up on the legs. When one-way of the valves get weak, blood may leak back again in the vein as well as collect there. It is known as the venous insufficiency.

During the leg swelling treatment, the Pooled blood also enlarges vein and it also becomes varicose. On the other hand the Spider veins may even be caused by backup of the blood. You should not allow the veins to always dictate your closet. Moreover, there are different products which deliver fast results, also for those having dark veining with the legs.

The Radiofrequency ablation which is even known as the medial branch rhizotomy is basically the procedure that is used to reduce acute or the chronic pain. There are not much rf ablation side effects and the procedure is usually performed by placing the electrical current that is produced by the radio waves next to the nerve which is usually carrying the pain signals from joint to spinal nerve.

While using the vein diminishing cream frequently, the appearance of the vein will also help to reduce drastically as well as the legs will be also a perfect fit for donning the shorts in the fabrics which are lightweight. Hot days during the summer mean usually showing off legs as well as the better way to do this as compared to the latest trend of the fashion which is seen on models as well as actresses. Try Formula of Vericoz Vein for diminishing appearance for ugly varicose as well as spider veins in the time for the shorts season.

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Factors – Leading to develop varicose vein! 6 years ago

These days many people are suffering from Spider vein or the varicose vein and they are also looking for the best treatment for varicose veins. Laser surgery which is the spider vein therapy sends much strong bursts of the laser light in to vein. It may makes vein to fade slowly and eventually make them disappear. Such treatment is much more popular as it never use needles and incisions but the varicose veins symptoms should never be ignore or else it may also lead to leg ulcers.


This disease may also causes of leg swelling and the Laser treatments for treating this would last for about 15-20 minutes. According to the severity of veins, 2-5 treatments are usually required to remove the spider veins in leg which else may cause leg cramps. Patients may also simply return to their normal activity just after treatment of sclerotherapy. For the enlarged spider veins which is more than 3 mm, the therapy of laser treatment is not much practical.

There are also some sclerotherapy side effects as well as Possible side effects about the laser surgery which include: redness and even swelling of skin subsequent to the treatment; discolored skin which might even disappear occasionally in just a time of 1-2 months. Also, burns as well as scars are also the result from badly performed laser surgery. There are different kind of the Varicose Vein Creams or the foam sclerotherapy where some of the creams may also reduce appearance of the spider and varicose veins.

Factors that might increase the likelihood to develop the varicose or the spider veins which may include:

Increase in the Age: Having the family members suffering from vein problems or also being born having weak valves of vein.

Changes in Hormone: They occur during pregnancy, menopause, puberty as well as taking birth control pills along with different kind of medicines that contains estrogen as well as progesterone. During the period of pregnancy there is some great increase in amount of the blood in your body. It may cause the veins to expand.

Also, Obesity, prolonged standing as well as leg injury as well as other different things which weaken the vein valves. With the help of the sun exposure, that may cause the spider veins on nose and cheeks of the people with fair-skinned.

The symptoms of Varicose Vein mainly include: aching pain with the easily tired legs; even the heaviness in the leg; swelling in legs; also the darkening of skin (in acute cases); also the numbness in legs; as well as itching or getting the irritated rash in your legs, these are some of the symptoms which the patient might observe, and he should immediately consult the doctor.

Moreover, the spider veins do not actually require any kind of the medical treatment. On the other hand the varicose veins generally enlarge as well as they get worsen over the passing of the time. The Severe varicose veins may also lead to different health problems as well.

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Radiofrequency Ablation- Treating the Chronic and Acute Pain 6 years ago

We generally have various doubts as well as various sets of questions about Radiofrequency procedures and also about the radiofrequency ablation side effects. The Radiofrequency ablation which is even known as the medial branch rhizotomy, it is mainly the procedure that is used to treat spider vein disease or the varicose vein disease. It also helps to reduce the acute or the severe and the chronic pain. This process is mainly performed through placing the electrical current which is produced by the radio waves next to the nerve which is carrying the pain signals from joint to spinal nerve.

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People who are suffering from such disease also have a question that is radiofrequency ablation safe? It is important to note that radio waves usually heat up the small area of the nerve tissue, hence it leads to decreasing of the pain signals from targeted area. There is also some kind of the laser ablation side effects though they are not the major ones.

RFA is mainly used to relieve the patients having the long-lasting leg or the lower back pain or the arm and the neck pain and also any kind of the pain which is related to degeneration of the joints of spine from the arthritis. Such kind of the conditions must also show some of the positive responses to earlier performed trial blocks that could help to determine when the tissues are treated and they are indeed the areas which are causing the pain after the spider veins symptoms and before using of RFA.

If you also have a thought in your mind that is rf ablation safe? So the degree of the pain relief may also differ according to the root cause as well as location of pain source. Moreover, relief might even last from 6-12 months and also in few of the cases, it might also last for years. Above than 70% of the patients are usually treated with the experience of pain relief through RFA  as per some of the studies.

To get ready for the treatment, you must also ensure that the person does not eat in just 6 hours of the appointment except for any of the clear liquids till two hours prior to the procedure. When you have any kind of the diabetes and in case if you are using insulin, you should also clearly adjust the dosage of the insulin the day of procedure that also has your primary care doctor which may even assist you. You may also bring in the diabetes medication and hence you may also take it subsequent to the process as well as other kind of the medication which you might need. You can also continue taking other kind of the medications with the luke warm water. You should not discontinue any kind of the medication (particularly insulin) devoid of the initial consulting with the primary care or with the referring doctor. You would definitely need to bring a person along with you who will be able to drive back you home subsequent to the procedure as well as you must also not drive or should not operate the machinery for minimum of 24 hours subsequent to the procedure.

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