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Types of varicose vein treatments 7 years ago

Are you tired of the uncomfortable varicose veins? If you answered yes, then you have come to the right place. You can visit a varicose vein doctors in San Diego to get it treated. Keep reading to find out some of the treatment options at your disposal from the vein clinic San Diego.

Varicose veins are twisted and enlarged veins which are under the skin. These veins are not only embarrassing but achy as well. They come about due to weakness of vein walls and vein valves. The veins begin as a cosmetic issue but with time lead to health complications.  Some of the health conditions that result due to varicose veins are poor circulation, ulcers, bleeding and phlebitis.  The good news is that there are remedies that you can use to treat the condition.  The method of treatment depends on how severe the problem is.

You can determine the severity level of the varicose veins by doing an ultra sound and discussing it with your varicose vein doctor San Diego.  It will be possible to get the best treatment option.  Some of treatment options at your disposal are as below.

Non-thermal ablation

There are two non-thermal techniques that have been approved are varithna and venaseal system.  In the varithna method a potent drug is used in destroying the veins permanently. In venaseal system, glue is used in shutting off the vein. These two treatments have been proved to work in treating varicose veins and you can get them from the varicose veins treatment san Diego.

Thermal ablation

The radio frequency ablation treatment has been there for decades. It involves the use of radio frequency or laser to heat the vein. The process works by destroying the vein wall thus making the vein to shrink and t gets absorbed by the body. The treatment may cause some discomfort for a few weeks. The anesthetic used in numbing the area can also causes some discomfort. The veins will not be visible within two weeks.


The phlebectomy is a procedure that is involves cutting a small area near the vein and removing it entirely. The top vein doctor san Diego can use this procedure in combination with other treatment methods like ablation. The advantage of phlebectomy is that it offers a permanent solution since the vein gets removed completely.  However, it requires more recovery time.


The sclerotherapy is a painless injection that works by collapsing the vein so that it gets absorbed into the bloodstream. It is a suitable treatment method for treating small to medium varicose veins. Some of the types of sclerotherapy include laser-assisted, foam sclerotherapy and ultrasound guided sclerotherapy.  The main advantage of this method of vein treatment is that it can get rid of the veins without causing any pain. It is not suitable for larger varicose veins.

If you want to get rid of the varicose veins, then you can opt for any of the above methods.  You have to make sure that you go to a top varicose vein doctor in San Diego. When it comes to getting rid of the veins, you should not take chances. Your health should come first and you must do your best to get the treatment that will not make the situation worse than it was.   Â